Research and Development

At Delafield R&D we combine our scientific and engineering brains with our creative brains

Research and development are more than just a mindset, for us it is a way of life.

Research and Development

  • Since 1999, our primary areas of research and development have centred around Thermo-Acoustics and Harmonic Resonance Combustion (HRC) technology. These efforts have led to the creation of exceptionally efficient systems with minimal greenhouse gas emissions. Alongside this focus, we also pursue research into Pyrolysis and Thermochemical conversion techniques for transforming carbon-based feedstock and waste to high-purity hydrogen and hydrogen-rich syngas. Our research into hydrogen is motivated by its potential to serve as a renewable intermediate energy carrier, thereby contributing to the realization of a carbon-neutral economy.

Delafield Pty Ltd is the owner of all the related intellectual property and copyrights concerning this technology and its derivatives.

Our primary search scientist and inventor is Mr. Matthew van der Vossen – Fox  

The technical and R&D manager is our talented Mr. Rembrandt van der Vossen

The company engages external consultants and industry specialists from various commercial sectors on an “as and when” required basis.

We believe that with this strategy, we can engage the best specialists without putting strain on the company’s cash flow management.

Like to know more?

Mr. Matthew van der Vossen - Fox

Managing Director

Investing in White Hydrogen

Mr. Rembrandt van der Vossen

R&D Manager

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